Legacy Circle
The Temple Sholom Legacy Circle was founded in 2017. The Legacy Circle includes and honors those who have made a Legacy Commitment to support our community’s future.
Currently, the Temple Sholom Legacy Circle includes 74 very dedicated chaverim and friends of our temple community. Thank you! To honor our Legacy Circle members, Temple Sholom holds several special Legacy events and services each year. All of our Legacy Circle members also receive a special newsletter.
Do you want to learn more about how you can support Temple Sholom with a planned gift in your will, estate plan, a beneficiary designation, or outright endowment gift? We’d be happy to have a conversation. Just contact us HERE.

Temple Sholom is a proud participant in the highly successful regional Create Your Jewish Legacy program sponsored by the Jewish Federation Cincinnati.
To learn more about this program, you can click here: CYJL